Parenting Styles Articles
Learn more about research-backed parenting styles, proven strategies and emerging trends in effective parenting.
Overprotective parenting style
from Michigan State University
“The greatest drawback of the overprotective parenting style is underprepared children. Parents in this category are fearful of everything when it comes to their children and expect bad things to happen..”
reflective parenting could help-your teenager manage their big-emotions
from MSN
“The teenage years are tough for everyone involved. But research has suggested that an approach known as 'reflective parenting' can be the key to reconnecting.”
What is Positive Parenting? 33 Examples and Benefits
“With its focus on happiness, resilience and positive youth development; the field of positive psychology is particularly pertinent to discussions of effective parenting. Thus, whether you are a parent who’s trying to dodge potential problems; or you are already pulling your hair out— you’ve come to the right place.”
How Can We Help Kids With Self-Regulation?
“It’s normal for two-year-olds to have tantrums. But if your child is five or older and still having meltdowns a lot, they may need help learning to control their emotions or behavior. This is called “self-regulation.””
#1 thing successful parents who raise the strongest and most resilient kids do differently: Harvard study
from MSN
“in 2020, I conducted a first-of-its-kind national parenting survey with help from a researcher at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
One of the most fascinating things that followed had to do with a particular parenting style that hurts children's confidence and self-esteem.”
5 Things Every Teen Wants Their Parent to Know
from Psychology Today
“Have you ever thought of asking your teenager for advice?
"What?" You might reply. "Why would I do that? What could she possibly know about life that I don't know better?"
And here's the answer: herself. ”