My philosophy as a Life coach
I’m not that coach that is going to sell you your dreams, you already have them. What I will do is to help you better identify them, hone them to where they are no longer dreams but a path to your reality. That I can do. That I have done and will do many times again. The question is, are you ready to do the work. Because I am ready to get you there!
Life is not easy. I have no simple steps to get you to that next level, I don’t have the one answer to give you that quick fix. Life takes maintenance and like many things in our lives the daily grind is all we have time and energy for at times. We get stuck in the rut and the next time we look up it’s been a year, or two or ten. Your life doesn’t have to be that way and those goals and dreams you have, they are still there and you can still have them. It’s just going to take some time and dedication but I know I can help you get there.
As a life coach, what I will give is honest and practical solutions for navigating this complex world we live in. Our lives are really complicated and nuanced and I don’t believe in “if you just think really happy thoughts and clap your hands” you will get there with me with pom poms cheering you on from the sidelines. I believe that if you want to “get there” you are going to have to put some hard work in, you are going to have to make some changes, maybe some sacrifices and put the time and dedication in to make it happen with me providing support, accountability and proven methods to get you there!
As a life coach, I don’t fix what you think is wrong in your life. Because, honestly, it’s probably not broke, it’s just on autopilot and not where you thought you would be or where you want to be. What I will do is ask the right questions, listen to what you are saying and challenge you to think in new and more resourceful ways. Working towards change takes commitment and you need to be prepared to do the work, but as a life coach I will help you find the direction you want to take and the steps to get there. As a professional I have the skills, tools and resources that will take you to how and where you want to be!
If you are thinking… “My life is already good enough…” why do I need a coach? You don’t, and I’m happy for you! If you have all that you want or need and don’t feel that you are wanting something more than coaching will not be right for you. If your life is “good enough”, but it is at the expense of what you wanted or what your dreams and goals are for you, then maybe working with a coach on how to bring (align) those into your already “good enough” life might just make it that much better.